Out of an abundance of caution due to the rising cases of COVID-19, the Above Board Chamber of Florida has decided to postpone its January luncheons and has rescheduled them for February. The Fort Myers luncheon will now be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 10, at the Crowne Plaza Bell Tower, at 13950 Bell Tower Dr. and the Naples luncheon will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 14 at the Hilton Naples at 5111 Tamiami Trail N.
The topic will remain the same at both luncheons with expert panels discussing the importance of work culture in recruiting and retaining employees in 2022. Even with companies offering more incentives than ever before, it’s challenging to find employees, and even harder to retain them.
Business owners say now more than ever it’s important to find ways to get people to want to work for you and to keep them on your payroll. Bill Daubmann, CEO/Founder of My Shower Door, is a sponsor and one of the event panelists. He has a long list of advice he will share at the Naples meeting.
“You have to be clever and be aware of what to look for,” he said. “You have to be aware of what else is out there, and what you can offer that they can’t get someplace else.”
Daubmann will share tips about making your company the place that people want to work by creating a fun environment, one with growth potential and one that has a positive attitude.
Michael Wynn, President of Sunshine Ace Hardware, will be a panelist and sponsor for the Fort Myers meeting. He will entice business leaders to really think about how they measure employment engagement and how to effectively communicate with their team. He will foster discussions on how an organization can stand out and be successful in recruiting despite a sea of employment opportunities and competition. Wynn will also engage leaders to think about their expectations for wages and the workforce in the future.
“With an ever-tightening workforce environment, a purposeful culture that recognizes and respects each team member is essential to recruiting and retaining employees,” Wynn stated.
Naples panelists will be:
- Russell Budd, Owner of PBS Contractors and Wall System Contractors Naples Florida;
- Bill Daubmann, CEO/Founder of MY Shower Door;
- Gary Tasman, Chief Executive Officer/Principal Broker Cushman & Wakefield Commercial Property Southwest Florida;
- Todd Lyon, Administrative Director of Human Resources at NCH and
- John R. Huttner, President & CEO of HollingerJobs.com and David J. Hollinger Associates.
The event sponsors include: Bill Daubmann, CEO/Founder of MY Shower Door;
Anthony J. Leopizzi, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®,
Theo Etzel, Director and Partner at Conditioned Air will emcee.
Fort Myers panelists include:
- Michael Wynn, President of Sunshine Ace Hardware;
- GaryTasman, Chief Executive Officer/Principal Broker Cushman & Wakefield | Commercial Property Southwest Florida;
- Jennifer Thayer, Workforce Planning and Development Program Manager Human Resource at Lee Health and
- Williams M. Blevins, President/CEO Gulf Coast Business Bank.
Sponsors for the event are Michael Wynn, President of Sunshine Ace Hardware and Williams M. Blevins, President/CEO Gulf Coast Business Bank. The emcee will be Joseph DeSena, CFP®, MBA Private Wealth Advisor | Managing Director, Siena Wealth Advisory Group. To register for either luncheon go to AboveBoardChamber.com or call 239-910-7426.
The cost for the Fort Myers event on or before Monday, Feb. 7, is $37 for members and $42 for non-members. After Feb. 7, it is $40 for members and $45 for non-members. Lunch is included. The cost for the Naples event on or before Thursday, Feb. 10, is $38 for members and $42 for non-members. After Feb. 10, it is $40 for members and $45 for non-members. Lunch is included.
The Above Board Chamber of Florida is dedicated to bringing people of all faiths together within the community, in the workplace and amongst one another. Their mission is to supply members with tools that allow them to take every aspect of their lives Above Board. For more information on the event or on how to become a member of the chamber, call CEO Jeanne Sweeney at 239-910-7426 or visit AboveBoardChamber.com.