Award-winning Chief Marketing Officer for Tijuana Flats to speak at FPRA PR University event

September 19, 2016 CONRIC PR

The Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) Southwest Florida Chapter is pleased to announce that Monique Yeager, Chief Marketing Officer for Tijuana Flats will present Getting Saucy: How to Stay Relevant above the Noise at 24th annual PR University (PRU) seminar, “Navigating the Future of PR.” The event will be held on Thursday, Oct. 6, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Florida SouthWestern State College, 8099 College Pkwy., in Fort Myers.  PRU 2016 will boldly explore technology’s effects on dynamic PR campaigns and more.


Yeager, who has been responsible for chain-wide marketing initiatives, both domestically and internationally in more than 30 countries, will talk about how maintaining relevancy in our noisy world involves putting people first, always; and how thinking outside the box and being creative in all areas of business will keep you on top.


Monique Yeager has over 23 years of marketing and public relations experience. In her role as CMO, she is responsible for overseeing Tijuana Flats system wide strategic public relations and marketing efforts including strategic alliances; brand positioning; promotional campaigns; advertising; social media; local store marketing; and external communication strategies.  She is a recipient of many awards, including the March of Dimes Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Most Influential Business Woman in the Orlando Business Journal’s “40 Under 40 Awards.” She also has a strong commitment to the community and serves in several leadership roles.


Open to the public, the award-winning PR University is an annual all day professional development seminar featuring guest speakers from across the state that examine trends in the changing market and the fusion of new media opportunities with traditional communications elements.


Don’t miss the most highly anticipated FPRA event of the year.  Register today at Early bird rates are available at $65 for FPRA members, and $80 for nonmembers who sign up by Sept. 8.  Regular admission is $75 for members, $40 for students, and $90 for nonmembers.  This includes a continental breakfast, lunch and refreshments.


Students interested in applying for a scholarship can access the online application tool at Upon selection of scholarship, students will receive a free full-day admission to the event.


For more information, please contact Madison Mitchell 239-433-2000 ext. 269.


About the Florida Public Relations Association

The Florida Public Relations Association is dedicated to developing public relations practitioners who, through ethical and standardized practices, enhance the public relations profession in Florida. For more information on the Southwest Florida Chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association, visit

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