Lusk Drasites & Tolisano P.A. has welcomed Christopher Stipek to the team. His focus areas will be family law and civil litigation. Christopher brings a new set of eyes to the experienced team in the Cape Coral office.
Lusk, Drasites & Tolisano, P.A. was formed in 1982 to represent the interests of their local community. At the time of its formation, there weren’t many lawyers in the area and there were even fewer who were willing to go up against the large corporations and out-of-town law firms trying to muscle their way in. Lusk, Drasites & Tolisano have been diligently representing individuals and businesses for 40 years and will continue to be there and advocate for their neighbors.
About Lusk, Drasites & Tolisano, P.A.: Lusk, Drasites & Tolisano, P.A. have practiced law for 40 years. Through those four decades, the legal team has provided clients with unmatched legal representation in the fields of personal injury, car accidents, family law, civil litigation, family and domestic relations, real estate, wills, trusts, probate and small business law. The firm offers three locations to accommodate the communities in Cape Coral, Naples and Fort Myers. For more information about the firm, visit or call 800-283-7442.