The Pan-Florida Challenge is offering cyclists of all skill levels an exciting opportunity to support cancer research and prevention with their 2022 Pan-Florida Challenge Cancer Ride. The ride will take place on March 26-27, and every dollar raised will directly support Pan-Florida Challenge’s mission. Registration is now open for routes ranging from 10-200 miles.
All funds raised by riders will go directly to supporting cancer prevention research and providing underprivileged children with nutritious cancer-fighting food. Malnutrition has been shown to increase the risk of developing cancer later in life, and Pan-Florida Challenge is working to provide children with the food needed to set up the foundation for a healthy future. In addition, Pan-Florida Challenge partners with organizations, such as Moffitt Cancer Center, to fund cancer prevention research and support for cancer patients of all ages and their families.
Depending on the route chosen, riders will be given simple fundraising minimums. While the fundraising minimums might seem overwhelming at first, those thinking about participating are encouraged to remember that the average Pan-Florida Challenge rider raises one and a half times their minimum.

The annual ride brings together cyclists on a mission to fight cancer.
“When you’re fundraising it’s important to make sure that you’re clearly communicating the importance of the ride to the person or business you’re asking a donation of,” said rider Kristina Coppolino. “I think cancer certainly touches everyone, so it’s important to craft a message that’s super personal and will resonate with whoever is listening to or reading that message. That way they will be more inclined to submit their donation regardless of the dollar amount.”
The Pan-Florida Challenge organization provides riders with support to help them reach and exceed their fundraising minimum. This includes access to their own personal fundraising page, tools and templates, and easy sharing to social channels to spread the word.
“Fundraising is such an important and fun part of our ride,” Jeri Goetz, Executive Director at Pan-Florida Challenge, said. “Our riders come from not only all over Florida, but across the country as well. Fundraising gives them the opportunity to engage their communities in such an important cause. We are so excited to see more riders registering every day for our 2022 ride. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in just a few short months.”
On Saturday, March 26 the 30-mile, 62-mile, 100-mile, and 200-mile cyclists starting in Fort Myers will begin their rides. The 30-mile and 62-mile riders will do a loop and finish where they started. The 100-mile and 200-mile riders will finish at The Pavilion on Little Lake Jackson in Sebring. The 100-mile and 200-mile riders leaving from Tampa will also head out on Saturday and finish at The Pavilion. All 100-mile riders from Fort Myers and Tampa will be bussed back to their original start line. The 200-mile riders from both starting points will stay overnight at the Tru by Hilton Hotel or Residence Inn by Marriott in Sebring.
On Sunday, March 27, 2022, the 10-mile, 30-mile, and 62-mile cyclists starting at USF Riverfront Park in Tampa will begin their ride. All of the 200-mile riders who stayed overnight in Sebring will ride to the finish line in Tampa. Riders will be treated to an arrival meal, entertainment, and a finishers medal.
To learn more about start times, registration fees, and fundraising minimums please visit https://panfloridachallenge.