The Chamber of Southwest Florida’s Process Improvement Committee presented “Cashing in with Process Improvement” on Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Crowne Plaza at Bell Tower Shops in Fort Myers. A full roster of local business leaders, consultants and academics provided technical guidance, cases studies, paradigm shifts and perspectives from the trenches.
An overview of the lean construction process was provided by David Rybicki of Lee Health and Reggie Morgan of Deangelis Diamond. Lean process management principles were presented by Phil Centonze of FloridaMakes. Robert Peterson, Ph.D. of FGCU explained the ability of the Six Sigma process to eliminate defects by reducing variations within a process. AREINA, Inc. CEO Bob Munro extolled the bottom line benefits of effective asset management.
Other dynamic presenters included 19-year process improvement vet Stacey Harrington, process practice lead at Lee County Electric Coop (LCEC); Six Sigma Master Black Belt Claudia French, director of operational excellence and clinical laboratory services for Florida Cancer Specialists; and Daniel Eveloff, Fort Myers city president for Regions Bank. Roop Lutchman, America’s leader for GHD Business Consulting and author of three books on asset management, suggested that businesses invert their organizational pyramid to put front line staff first, as they are the ones who actually make a product or provide a service.
Mark Abbott, Founder of VTH Partners and author of Traction – Get a Grip on Your Business served as the luncheon speaker. Seth Yoskowitz, principal of GHD Business Consulting, presented on succession planning to conclude the eight-hour workshop. He noted that Baby Boomers are retiring at a rate of 10,000 per day.
Cashing in with Process Improvement was the first in a series of business education events planned by the Chamber of Southwest Florida. For more information on future programs please contact Executive Director, David Miller, at (239) 433-4111 or Copies of the workshop presentations can be found on the Chambers website at
About the Chamber of Southwest Florida
The Chamber of Southwest Florida is a regional business membership organization with members in Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades Counties. Chamber members are regional employers and many provide products and services across the region. The Chamber’s “Business Building Leadership” mission is driven by governmental advocacy, leadership development, strategic business information products and membership services.